Thursday, June 25, 2015

Day Four - Beads, Bears and Penguins, Oh My

And now for Thursday's Highlights! 

#1: The Polar Bear & Penguin Swim

Thursday morning starts off with a plunge for the courageous. Many polar bears showed up today along with a few penguins and ecstatic fans/paparazzi. At around 7:15-ish the whole crew heads down to the waterfront to either (1) Take their place in the tribe as a Polar Bear: one who fully submerges themselves into the frosty lake, swimming from the dock to the shore or (2) Arise as a penguin, boldy stepping and kicking their legs and feet into the chilly lake, returning to the shore victorious! Buddies and campers overtook the challenge and succeeded make 2015 another successful year for both polar bears and penguins!
The bears have awoken and the battle music begins

The war cry is sounded by the penguins as the army steps up to the front lines 

Veterans, Captains and General walruses cheering on the young recruits 

The mama buddy/staff bears take the leap
Papa bearly makin' a splash...haha lame pun attempt successful (Insert thumbs up emoji)

#2: The Speedboat

Thursday brought something extra cool for the adventurous! During the lake time the kids got an option to take a wild ride on a speed boat, leaving many thrill seekers satisfied. There's nothing quite like the wind and water hitting your face at mach 7... (Ok so maybe we exaggerated a little bit on the speed but it was pretty fun)

#IHopeTheOtherKidsDidn'tBlowOut... #Jk

#SplashZone #LovinLife

#3: Beads

Lizards, turtles and even BSU...there's no limit to what you can do. Just grab some beads and throw em on a string, buddies and campers makin' everything. But seriously, one of the long time favs up here at RFKC. Everyone lovin' them beads!

Bead it...just bead it...It doesn't matter who's wrong or right just bead it...
This is Greek for "God's Favorite Team"!

#4: The Splatter Box

One of the hip, new craft additions. The splatter box was killin' it this year! (In a good safe way)
The beauty is that there is no wrong way to splatter. Just grab some paint and let it go.. let it go..don't hold it back and build a splattericious snowman if you want. The kids loved this and the creative juices were spattering everywhere.
Double fisting 

A true artist always signs his work



#5: Award Ceremony / Graduation

The last night of camp usually ends off with a ceremony of awards and a graduation. Every camper gets an award. These awards are unique to the camper and are determined by their buddy. Awards such as "Mr. Zip Line", "The Archery Queen", "Fastest Runner at Camp" are given out to recognize all the amazing gifts and talents that these kids possess and made known up at camp. Other awards that are given throughout the night are the Polar Bear/Penguin awards from this morning and we end the ceremony off with a graduation for the campers who will be too old to return next year. The graduates are prayed for, blessed and commissioned individually by their buddies and given the "royal" graduation treatment, caps and all.

Next up is the "no shower award"...

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