Friday, June 26, 2015

Day Five - The Finale

Today is the last day up at camp as we make our way back to Boise. Such an amazing year for RFKC Boise as we were joined by a groups of buddies and staff from Montana, Seattle and Australia. 
Here's some final pics and memories from this year.

This is our before camp pic...
It might be kinda interesting to compare to an after camp pic?? Haha
Pastor Sue is the best!
Kid Royal giving out random acts of kindness awards!
He sees you when your sleepin'..he knows when your awake...
The Esther drama was a hit, only one casualty with Haman
Don't worry, he's hangin' in there #Drama
The greatest Grandma and Grandpa EVER!!!
No caption needed haha
Grandpa was full of surprises
Let's call this our after camp pic
Thank you all for your prayers and support for the kids, buddies and staff. God was so faithful and we were so privileged to show the love of the Father this week, believing that He who began a good work will be faithful to complete it and continue to reveal Himself to these kids, leading them by His Spirit everyday for the rest of their lives. Blessings and we'll see you next year!

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